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Sunday 4th June &  11th June                          Trinity Sunday and Trinity 1
Welcome to our newsletter which covers the next two weeks

We delight that God is love  -  a relating , dynamic , inviting community of life; giving love….
Who invites us to join in and be so much more.
The Collect, the prayer for the week
Sunday 4th June
Holy God,
faithful and unchanging:
enlarge our minds with the knowledge of your truth,
and draw us more deeply into the mystery of your love,
that we may truly worship you,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

Readings for 4th June: Isa. 40: 12-17, 27-end, Ps. 8 and Matt. 28: 16-end.

Readings for 11th June: Rom. 4: 13-end, Ps. 50. 7-15 and Matt. 9: 9-13, 18-26.
Sunday 11th June
O God,
the strength of all those who put their trust in you,
mercifully accept our prayers
and, because through the weakness of our mortal nature
we can do no good thing without you,
grant us the help of your grace,
that in the keeping of your commandments
we may please you both in will and deed;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
This Sunday:
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
9:30am        Family Service at St Thomas’
11:15am      Holy Communion at St Mary’s
11:15am      Family Service at St Andrew’s
4:00pm        Evensong at St Thomas’

Next Sunday (11th June):
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Mary’s
9:30am        Holy Communion at St Thomas’
11:15am      Family Service at St Mary’s
11:15am      BCP Holy Communion at St Andrew’s
Great Big Green Day, 17th June 11am-3pm
Please pray for this event which is getting near. Offers of help welcome, on refreshments or other stalls. We have lots of stalls!
There are sign-up sheets in church or contact Mary Scriven with any questions. 
Please bring baked items to Goring Village Hall by 11am on the 17th. 
Thank you so much.
Christian Aid Week 2023
The total amount raised during Christian Aid Week this year was £2689.00. This includes the proceeds from the envelope collections in the three villages, the Ploughman's Lunch organised by Ann Moody and Patrick Lillie's piano recital.
Once again, a huge thank you to Ann and Patrick, to all those who pounded the pavements delivering envelopes, to Jack's, Inspiration and South Stoke Community Shop for receiving the envelopes, and the Pike and Perch for having a collection box.
The money raised will help relieve farmers in East Africa who are suffering the effects of global warming.                     Judith Aguda
Our Church Wardens
Next week our Church Wardens will officially be sworn into office at a special Visitation service in Dorchester Abbey. We thank them for all that they do for our church community and pray for them in the year ahead:

   Eternal God
   Through your Son we are called into relationship with you and one another,
   to serve in this parish in different roles and ministries.
   We offer to you our thanks and praise for calling N (and N)
   To serve as churchwardens in this parish.
   Bless their going out and their coming in.
   Encourage their work and witness in church and community.
   Inspire them in their discipleship and worship,
   That they may grow in faith, hope, and love.
   May your Spirit help us to become a more Christ-like Church,
   contemplative, compassionate, and courageous
   for the sake of the world,
   that all creation may see the fulfilment of your kingdom
   in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Goring Primary School fete
The primary school will be holding its annual summer fete on Saturday 10th June from noon to 3pm. As well as raising much needed funds for the school this promises lots of fun for all the family. There will be a variety of stalls as well as games, food and refreshments.
Fun sponsored circular riverside walk – Saturday 10th June
This walk in aid of Floatability and the Churches Conservation Trust
visits historic churches at Wallingford, Mongewell and Newnham Murren.
Start: St. Mary’s, Newnham Murren OX10 8BW, 10am to 4pm – free parking
Returning to Newnham Farm House for tea and cake! 9 miles, or 4 miles with shuttle boat booking.
Ferry crossing at Little Stoke / Cholsey Meadows.
To register interest, book a start time or book a shuttle boat please email:
Guitar recital at St Mary’s
Mark Jennings, a very talented classical guitarist, will be coming to give an afternoon recital in St Mary’s on Sunday June 11th at 4pm. He will be playing classical guitar music including works by Bach, Albeniz, Tarrega, Villa Loboz, Barrios and Rodrigo.
Tea and cakes will be supplied afterwards by our wonderful volunteers. Tickets £10 full, £9 concessions, sold on the door only, cash only please.
Enquiries by email via the Benefice Office.
Pick-a-Flick, Thursday 15th June, 10:30am

The June Pick-a-Flick will be screening the film “Where the Crawdads Sing”. As usual, there will be coffee before the film and a light lunch afterwards and we ask for a contribution of £5 towards this. Pre-booking is required so please contact Jenny or Sarah to book in and to ask for transport if you require it.
Organ Recital by Bryan Almond at St Thomas’
On Sunday 18th June at 3pm Bryan Almond, Assistant Organist and Choirmaster at St Mary’s, Primrose Hill, will be playing music by Bach, Sweelinck, Vierne, Duruflé, Alain, Hollins, Delius and Elgar on the newly refurbished organ. There will be no charge for admission but there will be a retiring collection supporting the Great Big Green Week.
Daily Prayer will only be taking place on Monday (8:30am) and Friday (9am) at St Thomas’ this week but will also take place at St Mary’s on Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30am the following week. All welcome.

We are asked to pray

  • For a change of course in Russia and Ukraine. For humanity in its best sense and God’s way to peace.
  • Our churchwarden’s as they carry so many responsibilities for us all.
  • The applicants and process for a new organist at St Thomas’.
  • Our final term with the Year 6 children for their laying good foundations.
Diary for the next two weeks:
Wednesday 7th June
10:30am      BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
                    followed by coffee in the Canterbury Room
The readings will be 1 Pet. 1. 18-25, Ps. 25. 1-8 and Mark 12. 18-27.

Saturday 10th June
2:00pm        Marriage at St Thomas’

Sunday 11th June
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Mary’s
9:30am        Holy Communion at St Thomas’
11:15am      Family Service at St Mary’s
11:15am      BCP Holy Communion at St Andrew’s
4:00pm        Guitar Recital at St Mary’s
5:00pm        Discoverers

Wednesday 14th June
10:30am      Little Lights at St Mary’s
10:30am      BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
The readings will be 2 Cor. 3. 4-11, Ps. 78. 1-4 and Matt. 5. 17-19.

Thursday 15th June
10:30am      Pick-a-Flick in the Canterbury Room

Saturday 17th June
11:00am      Great Big Green Day in the Rectory Garden

Sunday 18th June
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
9:30am        Good News Service at St Thomas’
11:15am      BCP Holy Communion at St Mary’s
11:15am      Good News Service at St Andrew’s
3:00pm        Wild Church
3:00pm        Organ recital by Bryan Almond at St Thomas'
The monthly calendar for June can be downloaded by clicking here
Daily readings for the week beginning 5th June
Monday am: Ps 1 2 Chron. 26. 1-21 Rom. 4. 1-12 pm: Ps 4 Luke 10. 25-37
Tuesday am: Ps 5 2 Chron. ch. 28 Rom. 4. 13-end pm: Ps 9 Luke 10. 38-end
Wednesday am: Ps 119. 1-32 2 Chron 29. 1-19 Rom. 5. 1-11 pm: Ps 11 Luke 11. 1-13
Thursday am: Ps 147 Deut. 8. 2-16 1 Cor. 10. 1-17 pm: Ps 23 Luke 9. 11-17
Friday am: Ps 19 2 Chron. ch. 30 Rom. 6. 1-14 pm: Ps 22 Luke 11. 29-36
Saturday am: Ps 23 2 Chron. 32. 1-22 Rom. 6. 15-end pm: Ps 24 Luke 11. 37-end
Daily readings for the week beginning 12th June
Monday am: Ps 30 2 Chron. 33. 1-13 Rom. 7. 1-6 pm: Ps 28 Luke 12. 1-12
Tuesday am: Ps 36 2 Chron. 34. 1-18 Rom. 7. 7-end pm: Ps 33 Luke 12. 13-21
Wednesday am: Ps 34 2 Chron. 34. 19-end Rom. 8. 1-11 pm: Ps 119. 33-56 Luke 12. 22-31
Thursday am: Ps 37 2 Chron. 35. 1-19 Rom. 8. 12-17 pm: Ps 40 Luke 12. 32-40
Friday am: Ps 31 2 Chron. 35.20-36.10 Rom. 8. 18-30 pm: Ps 35 Luke 12. 41-48
Saturday am: Ps 42 2 Chron. 36. 11-end Rom. 8. 31-end pm: Ps 46 Luke 12. 49-end
Please send any notices or articles for the next news sheet by noon on Thursdays to
Copyright © 2023 The Benefice of Goring and Streatley with South Stoke, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
The Benefice of Goring and Streatley with South Stoke
The Vicarage
Manor Road
Goring, Berkshire RG8 9DR
United Kingdom